Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I Will Always Remember...

i will always remember the first day of my life
it wasn't in a hospital..with a doctor holding my head
it was on the day said yes to being my wife
  for the first time i was soul no longer dead

if a man's worth is measured by the woman on his arm
then i am wealthier ...than any man on this earth
you are the sunshine in my heart that keeps my spirit warm
i believe that every person ...should witness their own birth

i  remember  when my eyes opened wide..and i saw love  for the very first time
you were standing there with a smile so effervescently beautiful and bright
the sight of you was so amazingly overwhelming...the feeling was so sublime
i had dreams on that day...that i still have today...this is nothing short of love at first sight

I Will Always Remember...the feeling that i have for you
it's forever embedded into my existence for all infinity
all that i ask in return and i promise that this is so true
where ever our lives may take us and i pray that our journey is the same...Promise To Always Remember Me 

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